ginnye l. cubelGinnye L. Cubel • Writer/Marketer

Ginnye is a writer, marketer, and coffee enthusiast. She has a BA in Creative Writing and serves on FWA’s Executive Board. She specializes in building marketing platforms. 

Marketing Strategies for Multi-Passionate Writers (Creative Catalyst 2 hrs.)
In this workshop we’ll discover how to blend the different areas of your life to create a cohesive marketing presence. Including: leveraging networks to support and promote your writing, crafting a bio and/or elevator pitch that highlights your experiences, building a website and platform that showcase your projects, and when to include parts of your life as you build your brand. This workshop is for anyone pursuing a writing career or passion project.

Building a Marketing Foundation Before You’re Published
In this workshop, we’ll unlock the secrets to creating a simple, manageable marketing foundation. Together we’ll discuss a formula for building your marketing foundation, what to say on your platforms when you’re unpublished or don’t have a creative product yet, and how to scale your marketing foundation to grow with your writing business. This workshop is great for unpublished or published writers seeking guidance on how and when to start their marketing.