ken pelhamKen Pelham • Writer

Ken is a multi-award-winning author of fiction and nonfiction. Out of Sight Out of Mind: A Writer’s Guide to Mastering Viewpoint was RPLA’s 2015 Published Book of the Year. 

Hooked from the Start: Crafting Dynamite Story Openings
The adage, “You only get one chance to make a good first impression" holds true in the writing of prose. Many readers will read the first page and decide to buy the book or promptly put it back on the shelf. Learn how your favorite novels pull you into the story with just a few paragraphs. Participants will learn what makes great openings tick, then will evaluate their own openings against those of accomplished novelists

Right Word, Wrong Time: Avoiding the Traps of Etymology
If you write fiction set in the past, you may use words not true to the setting. Most readers won’t spot them, but some will and stop reading. But such mistakes can be minimized. To make writing true to place and time, the writer must do the research. Participants will be given examples of improper usage in fiction, and will learn the reliable resources for the proper use and evolution of words, jargon, and phrases.