Val Perry 

val perryVal Perry is director of the Bloomingdale Writers Connection which has a membership of over 400 life writers and supports fifteen monthly writing groups.  For over sixteen years, she has led 10-week courses coaching people to leave their written life legacies and have fun in the process.  Val is an editor, publisher, and her work regularly appears in national anthologies (Guided Autobiography Institute, Story Circle Network, and others). She was invited to speak at the Oxford University, UK Storytelling Conference.  Val loves to share her passion for life writing.

You've Got a Great Life Story---Now What? (with Lori Stokan Smith)

You’ve collected some very interesting life stories, but now what do you do with them? Are they good reads for family, friends, or a much broader audience? This writing workshop walks you through parts of a vetted process of transforming your life stories into an integrated collection by touching on critical life branching points. Using writing prompts and hands-on activities, discover how to broaden your life stories and prepare them for a larger audience. Over three hundred local writers have published and recorded their stories using this method, and examples of their work will be shared. (2 hours)